Spring is in the air!

I love the smell of CO2 in the morning.

Snowstorms cause havoc on German motorways – Drivers with summer tires were stuck due to 10cm snowfall.

Snowstorms in Germany’s Bavaria region caused havoc on motorways on Sunday morning.

10cm of snow caused problems for many drivers who had switched to summer tyres, leaving them slipping or stuck.

The A9 motorway between Bayreuth and Pegnitz was particularly affected.

Spring Has Sprung

And twisted an ankle or something.


And this German Bauernregel (farmer or folk saying) doesn’t sound very promising, either: „Wie das Wetter um den Frühlingsanfang, so hält es sich den ganzen Sommer lang.” As the weather begins in spring, all through the summer will be the same thing. Dumb-ass farmers.

Eiskalt kehrt der Winter zurück.