German Citizens Abdul And Mohamed May Know Someone Who Knows Someone Who Knows Something About A “Serious Theft” That Has Taken Place



Of course, they may not know either. Hard to say. And we don’t want to jump to any conclusions here just because they are German citizens.

German police said they arrested three men Tuesday morning and are looking for two additional suspects who they believe stole around 100 royal jewels and ornaments from a museum vault in Dresden Castle last November, as about 1,600 officers are continuing to search for the stolen items and evidence.

Officials said three unnamed German citizens in their twenties were arrested in Berlin and a search warrant has been issued for the two other suspects, Abdul Majed Remmo and Mohamed Remmo, who are also in their twenties.


Not Just The Italian Mafia

Any kind of international crime organization you want sees Germany’s justice system as a joke.


Italian mafia sees German justice system as ‘a joke’ – The Italian mafia has hundreds of members in Germany pulling strings in the international drug trade. The latest major trial shows how lengthy legal procedures and lenient verdicts are no match for organized crime.

“Our prosecution system is a joke for mafia groups. In the mafia, they price this in — they expect to face trials and even convictions. But the penalties threatened in Germany are laughably mild. They’re not a deterrent. The mafia isn’t bothered by them.”

When You Wash Money In Germany

You know it’s going to get washed properly. Germans have this squeaky-clean reputation to live up to, after all.


It’s the easiest place in Europe to do this kind of thing and everybody who’s anybody in the crime and terror world knows it. I’m sure that will soon change though. Not.

Germany sees record spike in money laundering cases – Germany’s Financial Intelligence Unit says suspected cases of money laundering and terrorist financing jumped by 50% in 2019. The real estate market is especially vulnerable when it comes to suspicious transactions.

“One problem for us is that the prosecution of money laundering in Germany isn’t traditionally well established.”

Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers…

And organized crime professionals.


Germans were told time and time again starting back in 2015 that a significant number of the Syrian refugees illegally entering the country at that time were of the highest professional standing and would soon be a great enrichment for the country. I will not say that this did not happen but they could have at least mentioned the professional mobster folks too.

Newcomers from Syria, Iraq and other countries are changing the structure of organized crime in Germany, federal police representatives told the public broadcaster ARD in a new documentary set to be aired on Monday evening.

While investigating Arab-linked crime families, Germany’s BKA (Federal Criminal Police Agency) noted a rising number of suspects with foreign passports.

“In about one third of proceedings, suspects also included immigrants — and that means that we need to keep a very close eye on this phenomenon,” BKA leader Holger Münch said.

“The rule of law is under pressure.”

German Of The Day: Abschiebung

That means deportation. And those who have no business being here in Germany must understand that the Germans might actually deport them. One day. Eventually.


Of course those who do get deported only come right back to Germany again with the help of Schlepper (human trafficking smugglers). But still.

Take this head of a Lebanese criminal family clan, for instance. Please. German authorities finally got tough with him and deported him to Lebanon but he just turned around and came right back with the help of today’s highly efficient, extremely lucrative and internationally active human trafficking industry (thanks be to you, Angela Merkel & Co.). He made a mistake filling out his asylum seeker form in Bremen though and the cops were able to bust him again. I think for behavior like that they really ought to come down hard on this guy and deport him.

Demnach habe Miri sich „mit Hilfe von Helfern“ einen Pass verschafft und sei zunächst „heimlich über Syrien in die Türkei“, dann „mit Hilfe von Schleppern auf dem Landweg in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ eingereist.

Organized Criminals Of Mohammed

Or “Warriors of Mohammed,” if you prefer.


Get your motors running or something. Here come Al-Salam-313.

German police launch raids on Iraqi organized crime gang – Heavily armed police have carried out a series of coordinated raids on the homes of members of the “Al-Salam-313” group. The targets are suspected of people smuggling as well as dealing in narcotics…

The gang members are part of the Shiite denomination who believe that the hidden Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi will return to earth with 313 companions. The term Mahdi means Redeemer, which therefore means that he is regarded as similar to a messiah in Islam.

“This is why they refer to themselves as Muhammad’s companions or warriors.”

Just A Normal German Wedding

You know, Germans with their big families and all?


And their extended families? And those that extend from there? Like the Corleones? Only they’re actually Lebanese?

Criminal Arab clans are really big these days in Germany. Literally. So that’s why hundreds of German cops make sure to attend weddings and funerals with thousands of guests whenever “The Godfather of Berlin” or “El Presidente” and their crews get together for social events of this nature. Like yesterday in Mülheim. It helps keep the dialogue between the various Parallelgesellschaften (parallel societies) going or something.

Mahmoud Al-Zein ist kein Geringerer als der „Pate von Berlin“, eine der schillerndsten Figuren der arabischen Clans in Deutschland.